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Klassen Advanced Filtration Inc. © 2022

KLASSEN ADVANCED FILTRATION INC. - Canadian distributor for C.C.Jensen since 1994

Specialty Filter Units

Not all oil systems are created equal.  C.C.JENSEN has the experience to know what is needed and the expertise to build custom solutions for unique applications.  If your needs differ from what you see here, please contact us.

HPS High Pressure Fine Filter

For pressurized systems up to 10 Bar

HPS 27-27-108_PSST1101-UK.pdf

HTO Heat Transfer Oil Fine Filter

For hot oil systems up to 300°C

HTO HP 27-108_PSST1007-UK.pdf

GFU Flushing Fine Filter

For high volume hot flushing

Gear Flushing Unit, GFU, HDU 4x27-108_PSST1105-UK.pdf

VRU Varnish Removal Unit

Eliminate and prevent varnish

Varnish Removal Unit

Marine Lube Oil Purifier

For marine LO centrifuge replacement  

Marine Lube Oil Purifier.pdf

MFU Mobile Flushing Unit

For hot flushing of mining equipment

Mobile Flushing Unit, MFU_PSST1110-UK.pdf

Top Products

HDU 27/27

Varnish Removal Unit (VRU)

Desorber D30

Mobile Flushing Unit (MFU)


Filter Inserts